Grenada, West Indies

Filed under: Abroad,

Ninety miles off the coast of Venezuela lies the nearly-hidden island of Grenada. Unlike most of the Caribbean, Grenada remains largely undeveloped, saving it from the vast estates of resorts that dominate other areas. Even after Hurricane Ivan battered the island in 2004, the rebuilding has been slow, keeping it still close to its native level. This is the charm of Grenada.

Although it is a third-world country, the Grenadians are modest, polite and loving people. They wear clean, pressed clothes and treat their rundown homes and churches with incredible care and respect. As the Reggae buses veer wildly around the narrow, curving streets, animals wander freely along the sides of the road. Just like the clear blue water that surrounds it, Grenada feels like one of the purest places on earth.

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